Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Favorite Costumes

A view of my favorite costumes.

Hello dear people. This post is full of lovely costumes, or shall I say, dresses?
There are some Period Drama dresses, but not all are from a Period Drama, just telling you.

1. Cinderella's blue ball dress from Cinderella (2015)
Since I watched this adaption, it was on my list ''my favorite movie ever''. It sounds weird, but I love fairytales. This gown is in one word beautiful and lovely. I love it.

2. The pink dress from Cinderella (2015)
 It's lovely, isn't it? The dress she couldn't wear thanks to her stepmother. 
It's PINK. You all know it's my favorite colour. 

3. The lovely pink dress from The Magic of Ordinary Days (2005)
 I love this beautiful dress. It is plain and simple, just the way I would wear it. By the way, this movie is on my list ''my favorite movie ever''. Again.

4. Marian's red dress from Robin Hood BBC (2006-2009)
You all know that pink is my favorite colour, but I do love this red dress. So elegant and medieval. Some of the dresses of Marian aren't medieval, but they are just lovely.

5. Anne's outfit of Anne of Green Gables (1985)
Look how elegant this outfit is. It's so.....can't find the words for it. It's amazing and lovely.

6. Rose's red gown from Titanic (1997)
Isn't it gorgeous? I never have seen this movie, but the costumes are so lovely. 

7. Marian's blue dress from Robin Hood BBC (2006-2009)
I love this one, so simple but beautiful.  The scene where she wears this is very sad, sadly.

8. Jenny's outfit of Call the Midwife (2012-)
 This show is awesome, so does the costumes. Look at Jenny's outfits for example.

9. Elizabeth's red-pink dress from Pride and Prejudice (1995)
Because I love pink. You can see a little bit of the pink it it.

10. Elizabeth's brown dress from Pride and Prejudice (2005)
11. Marty's red with white (0r should I say brown?) dress from Love Comes Softly (2003)
This movie is set in The Little House on the Prairie era. I call it like this, shall I? It's very simple.

12. Missie's outfit from Love's Enduring Promise (2004)
Again a Little House on the Prairie look. I love this one.

13. Victoria's lavender dress from The Young Victoria (2009)
I don't really a fan of the Victorian Era, but I love this simple yet elegant lavender dress.

14. Winnie's white dress from Tuck Everlasting (2002)

Well, this is it. Of course there will be following more posts of costumes, but this is it for now. 








  1. Good choices! :) I especially like the ones from Pride and Prejudice, The Young Victoria, and Call the Midwife.

  2. I like Cinderella's pink dress, too!! :D Lovely post, Rachel! I recognize quite a few of these movies.
