I was tagged by Ruth at
Amongst Spring Blossoms. Thank you dear for tagging me!
It's a animation tag, I do love animation, not all, but there are so animations which are very lovely, like Tangled, which Ruth used as tag picture. :)
Rules: nothing important, just tag some people and answer your questions.
Right, let us start.
Who's your favourite animated herione?
Who's your favourite animated hero?
Eugene from Tangled
If there was to be a sequel(or even a third, fourth, or fifth part)(and
then I don't mean like Frozen Fever and Tangled Ever After, those short
movies, but a real one) of an animated movie, where would you like it
to be about?
I really don't have any idea.
4. Which couple from an animated movie do you think is highly underrated?
Mulan and Shang from Mulan
5. Which couple do you like most?
It don't really have a favourite couple of animation movies, I would choose Cinderella and Kit, the live-action movie, but that is not an animation, so I will go with Eugene and Rapunzel from Tangled.
6. Which song is your favourite?
Haven't got any favourite disney song, but I would choose I've got a dream from Tangled.
And if you should choose a song that isn't likely to be chosen by you,
one that didn't immediately come up in your mind but is still a
favourite, which one would it be?
Sorry, have no idea. Have to skip this one.
8. What animation movie did you first think you wouldn't like, but eventually you did?
I think that will be Up.
9. Which two do you always consider as a couple, even though they are not a definite couple, but almost no one else does?
I have no idea again. I guess I consider every couple a couple. :)
10. Which girl from an animated movie has the best hairstyle(s)?
Merida. Red, big and curly hair.
11. Which is the best dress?
Again, Merida.
12. Which sidekick is the best according to you?
I do like Mushu from Mulan, Olaf is funny too though. Haven't seen Frozen though.
13. What's your favourite Disney princess movie?
Does the live action remake of Cinderella counts too?
14. What's your favourite animated movie(no Disney princess movies included)?
Well, Zootropolis is kinda fun.
15. What is your Disney personality?
I more Merida than Pocahontas.
16. Which animated girl do you think looks most like you(in looks, not in character)?
I guess that's Cinderella. Because she's got blonde hair and blue eyes. But Rapunzel is possible too.
Which statement do you think is true and which not(you know, those
things on Pinterest that say...for example: That Elsa and Anna are
Rapunzels cousins, and that Tarzan is Anna and Elsa's brother or that
the oldest girl from Despicable Me is maybe Riley's mom from Inside
I don't know all those things, so I quite don't know how to answer this question. I'm gonna skip this one. Sorry. But, if I had to choose I quess the statement which is true is that Anna and Rapunzel are sisters and the not true statement is I don't know.
18. What animated movie did you expect much of, but turned out to be much worse than you originally thought?
Nothing to do with the question |
Have no idea. (skipping another question, sorry). Wait, that will be Ice Age 5, don't like ice age, but 5 was the worst of all. I'm telling you.
Thank you for the tag Ruth! I enjoyed it, although I skipped some questions. :) Hope you don't mind, some questions where hard to answer, but I loved answering them all.
I tag anyone who wants to do this tag. No obligations.