Sunday, January 13, 2019

New (currently) Header

I've made an header again! It's a current one, I'm busy making a splendid new one. But for now it's this one. :)

What do you all think?


Friday, January 4, 2019

Review Days 4: Downton Abbey season 1, episode 2

A bit later then I planned, but here it is! The promised review of episode 2. :)

 The heir has arrived at their new home in the village. I must say I didn't liked Matthew at first when we first started watching Downton, because he was so stubborn and he wouldn't adjust to his new position. Come on! Your the new heir! I DIDN'T like Isobel either. I still don't like her so much. She's always interfering with everything and wants to help too much.

But, as I started watching the scene where Matthew meets Mary for the first time, cute for words. I quite started liking Matthew, cause I knew they would end together and they are the cutest!
Isn't it cute?!
 The staff is being normal as usual. I really like the scenes downstairs. There is happening a lot there, just like upstairs.
O'Brien being mean as always, even too Bates. Who doesn't like her. You can't blame him though, I don't like her either. But through the seasons she becomes nicer.
Daisy still likes Thomas, even though Mrs Patmore said it was foolish. I agree. Thomas is very mean against William, because he likes Daisy. Why? I still don't understand. But however he is mean, Thomas did change throughout the seasons and I did like him when he became nicer.
He does smoke a lot, every scene of Downton he's smoking, most of the time. O'Brien too. Never go smoking people, it's bad for you. Mark my words.👍
 Mary doesn't like Matthew at first, who can blame her. He's an unknown person who they barely know and who's to steal everything because he's a man. And woman couldn't inherite anything these times. Oh, what a shame.
I LOVED the scene where Violet meets Isobel. They always argue and don't like each other. I think that makes them even more funnier, I always love their scenes together.😂
Isobel:'' How should we call each other?''
Violet:'' We could always start with Lady Grantham and Mrs Crawley.''
 The dinner scene lovely as always. All that food though! Must been so fun living in that time being a rich woman or man.
I loved Sybil's hairstyle and dress. So beautiful!
 Ugh, Isobel comes to visit the hospital for the first time, after Isobel talked about doing something while she was her. The Crawley's said the hospital was a good place to start. Now she's asking Dr. Clarkson if he needs any help. He isn't so glad with her help though.

Matthew doesn't like it having a footman who dresses him. Poor Mosley. He really wants to help, but Matthew doesn't let him. Well, he most get used to it some day.

Aww, I love Anna! She's so sweet and caring. I didn't liked Gwen. I don't know why, maybe because she was giving up so easily and was crying all the time. But I shouldn't judge her by that. It where hard times for a maid if they wanted to have a higher job. But sweet Sybil helped her and she finally became a secretary.
 The scene where Cora hears O'Brien talk mean things about Matthew! It was so fun. O'Brien got what she deserved. Good job Cora!
I didn't liked it that O'Brien said it wasn't her (Cora) to say that. And of course Thomas agrees. I would be so angry.😠
 We see again some lovely dresses when the Crawley sisters get ready for dinner. Sybil's dresses are my favourite. They are simple yet elegant. I loved Cora's dress with all the glitter. I do love glitter.😍

And the face Mary makes when she heard the Violet said she should marry Matthew. She doesn't agree, but Cora and Violet hope it happens one day.
I loved the conversation Mary and Matthew had about a certain book. It was like they where testing each other. I was clearly they didn't liked each other, the whole family knew by that conversation. I was laughing, I was.
The grizzly bear dance of Thomas and Daisy was so weird! I was like...WHAT?😮 It was funny too. And everyone liked say what?.....
Do you like the dance?

(I must say I use pictures a lot. Do you like so much pictures and less text or should I do more text and less pictures?)
 Violet wants Isobel out of the board of the hospital. Typical something for Violet to say.😂 That's why I love her so much. She's easily to be loved.

Matthew still don't likes the idea of inherite the estate. But, he must get use to it someday, cause it's his home one day.

I do love the scenery of Downton Abbey. Especially in spring and summer. Everything is so green and sunny. I love it! My big dream is to visit Highclere Castle someday, in summer. :) Because everything is so sunny and green.

Bates and Anna are alone at last. They become cuter and cuter. Even when problems began. But that's far away yet, in season 2 problem begin for them, sadly.

And the weird man comes to visit Downton. He's a friend of Carson who he worked years ago with in the circus. 😂 Carson in a circus? Gladly Robert saved the day by getting rid of the man offering him money and let him promise never come back to Downton anymore, not even in the village.
Mary has a beau. Edith knows of him, but Sybil not. Mary tells Sybil and they all are glad for Mary.
Matthew finally accepts Mosley's help after he had a talk with Robert. Which makes Mosley every happy. 
Isobel gets in the board of the hospital, against Violet's wishes, but she accepts but not gladly. Violet's face is priceless!😂
 Isobel and Dr Clarkson are helping a sick man who has been in the hospital for long. He has something with his heart so he can not breathe good. Isobel has a new procedure which could save the man's live. Against Violet's whishes, they do it and the man lives, bringing Violet speechless.
They do make things dramatic. Matthew is glad of the good work his mother did. Robert and Dr Clarkson too, even though Clarkson wasn't sure it worked. 
 We have came to the end, again.There are lot more scenes in this episode, but I didn't review them, so you have to watch it yourself to find out! 😃

Who's your favourite character of Downton Abbey?