Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Lovely blog party: couples for couples tag

I am not actually tagged, but I saw this on  many blogs and I thought, why can I not join? It's not forbidden, is it? So, Cordy from Any Merry Little Thoughts made this party, so thank you for hosting this. Is it okay to join??

Let me begin

1. Ivanhoe and Rebecca: Name a couple that should have been together

The only couple I have thought about are Rory and Jess from Gilmore Girls. They are perfect for each other and I kinda didn't like it that they broke-up, I mean it. 

2. Jo and Laurie: Name a couple should have stayed friends....or did stay friends.

I think it would be very good if Marian and Guy from Robin Hood, which aren't actually a couple, but if they stayed friends the serie would have ended very diffrent. But I also think it would be great if Laura and Fisher from Lark Rise to Candleford had to be friends, because I ship them more then Laura and Daniel. :)

3. Jane and Rochester: Name a couple that looked like the chances of a happily ever after were next to none!

Marian and Robin. Definitely, there love story is so said and it has something great, but eventually they ended up together, so maybe they don't count as this couple, but I will go with them. :)

Jane and Bingley: Name a couple that is just sooo happy!

Rosemary and Lee from When Calls the Heart.

4. Kit and Ella: Name your favourite fairytale couple.

Ella and Kit from Cinderella, no one can beat them. :D

5. Molly Gibson and Roger Hamley: Name a couple where the woman is basically ignored by the suitor until the end of the story (frustration at its finest!! :P :P)
Amy Dorrit and Arthur Clennam. Knew this was coming. But I was really happy when they ended up together. 

6. Sarah and Jacob Witting: Name a couple that found love later in life.

Okay, this is an seriously and hard question. I have no idea, sorry...skipping this question...

7. Don Lockwood and Kathy Seldon: Name a couple from a musical

Cosette and Marius from Les Miserables (2012)

8. Anne and Gilbert: Name a couple that didn't start out on the right foot

Mary and Jem from Jamaica Inn. :D

9. Faramir and Eowyn: Name a couple with the sweetest love story

Emma and Mr Knightley from Emma (2009)

And this was all folks!! I enjoyed this a lot and hoping to write something soon about other couples. Who knows.




  1. Yes, Emma & Mr. Knightley did have such a sweet love story! <3

    Loved reading your answers, Rachel.

  2. Love your answers!!! So many I agree with. :D

  3. I loved reading your answers! This is such a fun tag. :)
    I love all of the couples you chose.

  4. Kit and Ella are really hard to beat. I agree. ;D

    I totally think you should write more posts about couples because I like reading post about couples.

  5. Guy and Marian definitely should have just stayed friends.

    Ella and Kit. <3 I just watched that movie awhile ago, but I want to watch it again!

    Nice answers, Rachel! :D
