Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Cute Little Tag

Doing a tag again! Saw this cute one on Aramis lovely blog and thought, why not make this one. I know it's from a long time ago, but I don't mind. :)

1. Do you have a favourite fictional couple? (if so, why do you like them)

I have so many. But this will be Alice and Leslie (he's a guy, he has the name of a girl) from Wonderland Creek, my favourite book all time. It's from Lynn  Austin.

2. If you could have any animal (safely) as a pet, you would have an....

I would have a horse of course. But a cute dog I would love too.

3. You get to live in Middle Earth, what race are you a member of?

I think I would be an wizard, just like Harry Potter, because it's are so amazing!

4. In a ideal situation (you don't have to worry about living too far from family or money concerns) where would you live? (It can be fictional.)

I would live in a cute little English country house. In England. It must be large for a big family, but it can be old.

5. Do you have a favourite 'vintage' movie (As in filmed before 1960). What is it?

This would be Singin' in the Rain.

6. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a lot of things, a nurse (maternity nurse), babysitter and actress.

7. You can be 'the' best at any sport what would you choose?

That would be a proffesional horserider. Kidding, I know all the little things, would love to jump with an horse, but never a sport. I would love to be a runner or do gymnastics.

8. List three things that you wish people knew about you but will never ask. (Or just three random things).

1. I can be very romantic, especially after watching a romantic movie or a cute ship. And I think about romantic things.
2. I'm an Ice Cream fanatic. I can eat a bunch and never get sick of it.
3. I don't really like reading books anymore.

9. Share your favourite quote!


  1. Singin' in the Rain is my favorite movie!! Ah, it is so good. That is such a nice quote!

    1. It such a good movie!

      Thank you for your sweet comment! <3

  2. I love your Tales From Avonlea graphic! That was one of the best episodes in the series.

    1. It was one of the best episodes. :D

      Thank you for your lovely comment! <3
