Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Enola Holmes ~ Review


I am finally reviewing Enola Holmes. Shamefuly late I must say but....it's never too late to do a review. 

The film is about young Enola Holmes who is searching for her missing mom and encounters many things on her way. 

I was so excited for this film ! The funny thing was that I didn't even watch the trailer. I waited impatient for it's arrival on Netflix. I SAW IT THE MOMENT IS WAS ON NETFLIX πŸ˜„.

YEESSHHH, it was so good ! The whole storyline, the characters and all it's loveliness. 

I have seen this film 4 times by now !πŸ˜‚ And still it's beautiful. And I'm still fangirling over it :)

Gosh Millie as Enola was just soo perfect. The way she potraited this character is so unique and special. I just felt I was alongside her in the entire story. 

The cuteness, her facial expressions and the wildness like going on a bike through beautiful nature and doing reckless things made me even love her more. 

We see her develope throughout the whole story and the fact that she can fight makes me wanna do something productful like sportsπŸ˜‚!

I also love the fact that this film showed us Enola her life through the eyes of everyone who was watching that you where besides her. 


Let me indulgde you and say that viscount Tewkesburry is the most sweetest character I've ever seen !😍

His eyes are the most beautiful and his face. The most caring, nature loving and sweetest character.

He's was smitten after he met Enola which makes it even better. 


Millie Bobby Brown (jup Enola) and Louis Paltrigde (the viscount) just have the sweetest friendship 😊

Sidenote: wasn't big fan of this wig/ Tewkesbury's first hair before the haircut 

Sherlock is just wonderful. *there.....nothing more to say*

Enola's mom (played by Helena Bonham Carter) is just splendid. We didn't see her much but all her scenes with young Enola and her bond is just so lovely and wish I had made more adventures when I was younger.

You could find me outside a lot I must say when I was younger. Alongside my brother and 2 sisters we played 24/7 outside, making silly movies which turned out okayy and just playing around in every clothes we could find. 

We shall continue....

THE WHOLE COUNTRYSIDE, MUSIC AND LITTLE DETAILS are just scrumptious ! And the house😍 

 And let us not forget the costumes are pretty freakin' lovely !

I love that fact that Enola's mom gave her little clues in the most wonderful ways, like the flowers, scrabble and words that are spelled backwords. 

Everything is just wonderful in this film! 

 !!!!SPOILER !!!!
For everyone who hates spoilers and hasn't seen this movie yet but I do except you have because this film is already out since September

We got an handkiss between Enola and Tewkesbury and it was freakin cute too see. No kissing scene but that handkiss made it even more special because it was so common in those times. And Enola didn't was into the whole marriage/having an husband thing so yeah....but I might think that has changed a bit after meeting the viscount but who knows



Overal I really loved and enjoyed this film ! We also need a sequel!

What are your thoughts ??? 




  1. Ah, this review is making me even more impatient to see this! It sounds so so so good! My family's getting Netflix in a few weeks, so I'll have to wait until then. It just looks like a lovely movie, and this was a great review!

    1. Oh I hope you get to see it soon !!! It is so wonderful <3.

      Thank you !

  2. Ooh, I think I need to watch this! I just finished watching BBC's Sherlock, so I'm in dire need of another Holmes family adventure! :)

    1. Please do if you find the time ! :)

      I love the BBC's Sherlock ! <3

  3. Oohhh that last photo.... possibly my favourite scene from the movie!?!? It's sooooooo cool. I loved the movie too!!!

    1. SAME !!!!!

      Everything in this film is cool :)

  4. This is such a good movie! Millie Bobby Brown was the perfect Enola. Great review!

    1. Thank you !

      Yeah, Millie was perfect as Enola. :)
