Snowy days, hot choco, warm clothes, snowball fights, and whatever match by winter. Unfortunately it doesn't snow in Holland, which is sadly. I really hope it will snow someday, maybe in January.
No snowy days. Of course it isn't really warm outside, it's cold. Anyway, I really love snow and I am dissapointed that we don't have snow, here in Holland. But, who knowa, everything can change. Maybe we yet snow someday, but lest us not hope on that. Last winter, 2015, we didn't had snow either.
But we still can drink hot choco, dress us warm and we still have old and new, where we can light up firework. It is beautiful, but it sounds hard.
Ice skating, that is so fun!!!! But if the lakes and rivers don't freeze, you can't skate on ice.
I skated on ice once, with my class of school. It was such a fun day. You all know by now that I am on a public school for five months by now. When I first went to it, it was a little bit scary. It isn't scary at all, I really enjoy it. But it is always good to be home, with your family. When I go to school, I stay for the week by my grandparents, because traveling is very expensive and where I live, the school is so far away, that we decided that I went for the week by my grandparents and the weekends I stay by my family. And one day, the school had arranged a ice skating rink for us, so we went skating for two hours. It was great!!!
A couple days ago I made a Robin Hood tag. Here are my answers!
There are spoilers. 1. What's your favourite season?
2!!! However I don't like how it ends. 2. Favourite outfit? Eum, let me think. This one.
3. Favourite bad guy?
Sherrif Vaizey
4. Which character you felt sorry for?
That character will be Allan A Dale. I know he betrayed his own gang, but he changed. They still can't trust him.
5. Djaq or Marian?
6. Favourite piece of music? This one.
7. Last favourite episode?
The last episode of season 2. :(
SPOILER ALERT!!!!!! And episode 7 of season 3. When Robin and Isabella were stuck in a well. Ugh. SPOILER OVER!!! 8. On which moment your cried? (You don't have to answer it)
SPOILER ALERT!!!!! Well, I actually didn't cried on the whole entire series. But when Marian died, I almost cried, I DID.
9. Favourite male character?
Allan A Dale
10. Favourite female character?
Definitely Marian
11. Kate of Isabella?
12. If you could save someone from the death, who would it be?
SPOILER ALERT OVER! 13. Favourite couple? (Pick three) Marian and Robin
I already made a Robin Hood BBC Tag, but I really like creating tags, so I decided to make another Robin Hood BBC Tag.
No rules this time.
I tag everyone who wants to do it.
1. What's your favourite season? 2. Favourite outfit? 3. Favourite bad guy? 4. Which character you felt sorry for? 5. Djaq or Marian? 6. Favourite piece of music? 7. Last favourite episode? 8. On which moment you cried? (You don't have to answer it, I understand) 9. Favourite male character? 10. Favourite female character? 11. Kate or Isabella? 12. If you could save someone from the death, who would it be? 13. Favourite couple? (Pick three)