Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Jane Austen: This or That


  Saw this cute little tag on Cordy's lovely blog !

 So I had to do it !!!

1) Who is a cuter couple ? Emma and Mr Knightley or Jane and Mr Bingley?

Gosh, both of them are super cute and I love them. But with this one I will choose Jane + Bingley cause just look at them......!!!!

2) You must go to tea with Mrs. Jennings or Mrs. Bennet. Who would you rather go with?

Mrs Bennet all the way. We could have such an interesting tea party with each other. I dear say I would be the silent one and let Mrs Bennet do the talking 😄.

3) Dance with Edward Ferrars or Charles Bingley?

Yet again such lovely characters. I would love to dance with Bingley !

4) Who would you rather have as a big sister? Jane Bennet or Elanor Dashwood?

Elanor for sure ! I'm such a loose canon and I would love to have Elanor as a sister cause you know..... Although Jane is so sweet but I have some of her treats so.

5) Worst villain? Wickham or Willoughby?

Willoughby for sure ! 

6) Take a walk with Mrs. Weston or Mrs. Gardiner? (Mrs. Weston is Emma's old governess and Mrs. Gardiner is Elizabeth's aunt.)

Well, I'd go with Mrs  Weston cause she such a nice person and we could chat about everything.

7) Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightley?

CAN I CHOOSE BOTH ?!!!! I dare say Mr Darcy on this one. I love Mr Knightley but it has always been Darcy for me :).


Well, this was all ! I tag everyone who likes to do this if they haven't done it already :)

~ Rachel


  1. I'm glad you filled this out.
    Isn't it lovely?
    I loved reading your answers!

    1. I loved it !!! It is simply wonderful to fill out these little tags :)
