Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Would You Really tag


Greetings everyone ! The Loveley Blog Party has started and I'm so excited !

 Thank you very much Cordy for hosting this ! You all please do check her blog cause it is splendid.  

Let's go to the tag !

Would you ever go for a walk in the pouring rain to avoid the company of a gentleman caller ?

Well....I would go daily walking the rain if I could cause rain is magical. But in this case I wouldn't really. If it was a nice gentlemen or someone I met on a ball I won't go out but greet them. However if the gentlemen is unkind of that sort I would definitely go out and have a walk. 

Would you ever, truly, try your hand at matchmaking ?

NOPE.. Not because I don't like it but I'm not good at it. I don't have don't have the skills for that. Maybe I could try like let the gentlemen sit next to the girl or something like that but truly I wouldn't try and be a matchmaker. Cause I'm not that good at it :).

Would you be comfortable wearing glass slippers for a night out at a ball ?

Absolutely not. I have seen glass and slippers of glass ? I looks so uncomfortable even though in movies like Cinderella they say it is extremely comfortable but I don't really believe it though. I guess if they where made magical to be comfortable I would most definitely wear them. I need my shoes to be comfortable people ! 😄

Would you ever eat and apple given to you, rather forcibly, by a perfect stranger ?

Let us hope not ! But I am rather dumb enough to take it 😂. Yet I don't think I would actually eat it. 

Would you ever pretend to be a man's fiancee who you've never actually met ?

EUHMM. NO. That man is a complete stranger and I don't even know him. What if ? But if it where under other circumstances I would though.....I think.... Like if a man who tries to court you but you don't want that. But I simply just say to the man NO thank you and yeah......

Would you ever dance with a stranger that sang to you in a forest ?

Can this happen in real life ?! How fun would that be. And I will most definitely dance with that stranger, cause he sang to me ! Although on second though I would probably think what is going on ?

Would you ever be the one to propose ?

Never thought about it. I think I would just say that the person has waited really long to propose and I personally would be gone already. But on the other hand if you truly love this person I would wait and might consider proposing myself.

Would you ever visit the house of a man you refused but is supposedly out of town ?

Yeah ! I am really curious and always like to snoop around. And this chance is one out of a lifetime ! What if the man is still in the house and not out of town and you get again meet him ? *squeesh* I just imagined a whole scenario in my head that could be a little snippet out of a story 😏.


And this was all my friends !




  1. I had so much fun reading your answers, Rachel! I especially liked this line, "Although on second though I would probably think what is going on?" I love the idea of your wanting to live in the moment and yet the next moment you're going, how did I get here? Hahaha Thanks for filling this out!
